Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dressing Your Candles

Very few things in this world are both beautiful and functional, but candles are just that. They give us light, they symbolize hope and unity, they provide warmth, create intimacy, and are used during almost every holiday season. For its many uses, it’s no wonder that candles come in so many varied forms. Candles have even become works of art. Just take a look at these.

Most candles however, come pretty plain. So here are a few ideas to dress your candles for any occasion.

1. If you have candles that are thick, by thick I mean their circumference is large, they can easily be dressed by taking some decorative paper and just wrapping it around the candle. Tie a coordinating ribbon around it, finished with a bow for a beautiful finished look.

2. Place your candles in beautiful organza bags. This is perfect for gift giving or wedding bombonniere. They add a simple elegance that is perfect for saying thank you.

3. When you’re using floating candles, take some simple cylinder vases and fill them three quarters of the way with water. Then pick some bright beautiful flower blooms. Using just the blooms, immerse them in the water. Then take a simple floating candle and set it on top. These are absolutely stunning; they can be used as elegant wedding centerpieces, or add some style to a beautiful dinner.

4. If you’re using tea lights, you can easily dress them up by adding messages to the outside of the tin they come in. You can use a label machine to produce these, or you can use decorative paper and handwrite your own messages. These are a great way to personalize table settings.

The possibilities really are endless, but hopefully these ideas will help you to make the best and brightest use of your candles. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Great Use For Your Extra Paper

I know every paper crafter, scrapbooker, and card maker out there has come across this scenario. You are in a store and have just come across the most fantastic paper; you just have to have it. So on an impulsive whim, a purchase is made, but it’s okay, you tell yourself, because even though you don’t have a specific use for it now, you’re sure that a project will come along that will definitely need it. Well weeks go by, then months, and your beloved paper is still unused.

We’ve all come across this. We have some great paper that just wasn’t right for anything that we’re currently doing. ‚We may also have extra paper which came from a scrapbook block that was purchased some time ago. Whatever the case, you’re stuck with it until you use it, so here is a great way to use it up.

Create some personalized envelopes. These days, card and stationary envelopes are just as pretty as the cards themselves. Use your extra paper to create some pizzazz. After all, the envelope is what you see first, and what a great way to make a first impression and introduction to your card.

Use an accent colour on your card or stationary to coordinate your envelope. On the outside, you can use a plain colour, and use a patterned sheet to line the inside. But don’t get stuck thinking only inside the box, or in this case, the envelope. Don’t forget, if you’ve got all this beautiful patterned paper, why not use the designed side to be on the outside. Then use a plain paper to line the inside. It’s a great way to create some contrast and visual appeal.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

“A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell As Sweet”

The process of getting married involves a lot of things; purchasing a wedding gown, gift registries, centerpieces, etc., but what no one ever talks about are the serious things. Things that need to be attended to before your wedding so making a transition into “couplehood” is easier.

First and foremost, while this doesn’t have to happen before your marriage, it should be something that you decide upon as soon as possible. I’m talking about the age old question, “should I change my name, or keep my name?” As a modern bride, several options are open to you.

1. Keeping Your Name: You can choose to keep your name as it is and not worry about changing your identification. The problem with this is that you may also have to carry around a copy of your marriage certificate to prove that you are married. Problems or difficulties may arise when you have children who have a different last name than you.

2. Legally Changing Your Name: If you choose to legally change your name to your husbands, you are giving up your identity legally. Now sit down for this one girls, because I was shocked to find this out. If you decide to legally change your name, the person you are now will cease to exist. A new birth certificate will actually be given to you with your husband’s last name. And of course, if anything should go wrong and the marriage dissolves, you will once again have to go through a legal process to become who you once were.

3. Hyphenating: Some women choose to have both names to identify their married name, and their maiden name. This can sound great at first, but keep in mind that you still need to change all your identification and paperwork, and when your signature is required, you’ll have to sign using both names.

4. Using Your Maiden Name Instead of Your Middle Name: Choosing this option to keep your name is one that is not used quite as often, but it does allow a bride to keep both names. Using your maiden instead of your middle name can provide you the opportunity to keep both your identities.

5. Assuming Your Married Name: This option allows new brides to be able to take on their husband’s name, without legally having to change their own. This still requires that all identification and paperwork be changed, (except your birth certificate), but you do not change who you are legally.

Whatever you decide, make sure that it’s something that you will be comfortable with. Remember, in the words of William Shakespeare, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”